Autumn Equinox Ritual September 17

Join Denton CUUPS in a ritual honoring Persephone for our Autumn Equinox gathering. Saturday Sept 17 at 7pm, we will gather at DUUF (outdoors, weather permitting) in an ADF, A Druid Fellowship style rite led by Rev. Lauren Mart, ADF.

We will center the cosmos through the Fire, Well, and Tree, and then make our offerings to Persephone as the Goddess over Life and Death as we enter the dark half of the year.

Opet Festival July 30

Please join us Saturday July 30th for our first harvest festival of 2022. We will be celebrating Opet, the Egyptian festival to Osiris the God of agriculture.
Location: DUUF, 1111 Cordell St., Denton TX
Time: Gather at 7:00pm, start at 7:30pm
Potluck to follow.
We will be inside to help with the heat.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

Spring Equinox 2022: Saturday March 19

Please join the Denton Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans for our celebration of Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Our theme is “A Flower Blessing” – we will bless and distribute flowers for you to take home and plant, to increase the beauty in a world that desperately needs it.

This will be an outdoor ritual at the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1111 Cordell Street, in Denton. Gathering begins at 7:00 PM and the ritual begins promptly at 7:30.

See you there!

Fall Equinox — Saturday, September 19

This year’s Fall Equinox will follow our previous few rituals in virtual presentation. We will honor Demeter, Goddess of agriculture and fertility, and acknowledge the grief following the descent of her daughter, Persephone.

Gabrielle Milburn will be our ritual leader for the evening. Please join us live at 7:30 pm for our online watch party on our facebook group. We look forward to your attendance with us!

Lughnasadh — Saturday, August 1

Please join us for our next online ritual for Lughnasadh! This ritual will be lead by John Beckett as we honor Lugh, Master of Skills.

Lughnasadh is an ancient festival named in honor of the Irish God Lugh and celebrated in memory of his foster mother Tailtiu. In this online ritual we will honor Lugh and Tailtiu, we will present the skills and virtues of Lugh, and if we choose, we will receive their blessings to help us meet the challenges we face in our lives and in our world.

Like our summer ritual, we will host a viewing party on Facebook, as well as have a video up on our Youtube. We look forward to sharing the day with you!

Summer Solstice

For those of you who were able to join us on our Facebook page for our very first remote ritual watch party, we are incredibly thankful you were able to celebrate the equinox with us; for those who were unable to join us, there is a perk to our remote style of public rituals in that we can provide you with a message of power and healing during these interesting times.

May you carry the wisdom and blessings of Hathor and Sekhmet with you as we all navigate a challenging summer.

Disablot Cancellation

Due to health concerns regarding COVID-19, we have decided to take precaution over the health of our friends and attendees and found it would be best to cancel our spring Disablot gathering scheduled for March 21st.

Presently, we hope to see you at the Spring Social Gathering at 1 pm on Saturday, April 18th and/or our Beltane ritual on Saturday, May 2nd at 7 pm, until further notice.

We wish everyone a healthy, safe, and happy spring equinox!

Disablot (Spring Equinox) — Saturday, March 21

Come join Denton CUUPs in celebrating our spring Dísablót, a celebration to honor the dísir, give them sacrifice, and celebrate the coming spring season as the dísir gather to deal in fate, fortune, death, and prosperity at their springtime parliament.

Bring yourself and a potluck dish to share afterwards.

For questions, email Denton CUUPs ( or our ritual coordinator, Elise Kolderup (