Samhain — Saturday, October 26th

Samhain – “Summer’s End” – is the holy day that would become All Hallow’s Eve, and later Halloween. At this season the ordinary world and the world of the Gods and Ancestors draw close, and perhaps, overlap. In our ritual we will acknowledge this liminal time, and we will listen for the Otherworldly persons who would speak with us.

As we did in 2011 and in 2015, we will walk the Spiral Labyrinth. This is a rare opportunity to participate in a rite of beauty and introspection.

Children who can participate maturely and respectfully are welcome to join in. We will have childcare for younger children. In case of inclement weather, the Spiral Labyrinth will be set up in Miller Hall.

Gathering begins at 7:00 and the ritual begins promptly at 7:30. There will be a potluck after ritual.