Denton CUUPS Calendar for the Rest of 2022

As in-person gatherings become the norm again, it’s time to start planning a little farther ahead. And so here’s our schedule for the rest of this year.

Summer Solstice: Saturday, June 18. This will be a celebration of the Sun at the height of its power. Bring your own Sun God!

Opet Festival: Saturday, July 30. Join us as we celebrate the harvest as it was honored along the Nile 3000 years ago. Here we will honor the death and resurrection of the God of Agriculture, Osiris.

Fall Equinox: Saturday, September 17. A celebration of Persephone in the style of the ADF Druids.

Samhain: Saturday, November 5. We celebrate the final harvest, mark our victories, and work magic for the coming Winter.

Winter Solstice: Saturday, December 17. A celebration of the rebirth of the Sun.

All circles will held at the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1111 Cordell Street, Denton, TX 76201.

Gathering begins at 7:00 PM and the rituals begin promptly at 7:30 PM.