Denton CUUPS Calendar for the Rest of 2022

As in-person gatherings become the norm again, it’s time to start planning a little farther ahead. And so here’s our schedule for the rest of this year.

Summer Solstice: Saturday, June 18. This will be a celebration of the Sun at the height of its power. Bring your own Sun God!

Opet Festival: Saturday, July 30. Join us as we celebrate the harvest as it was honored along the Nile 3000 years ago. Here we will honor the death and resurrection of the God of Agriculture, Osiris.

Fall Equinox: Saturday, September 17. A celebration of Persephone in the style of the ADF Druids.

Samhain: Saturday, November 5. We celebrate the final harvest, mark our victories, and work magic for the coming Winter.

Winter Solstice: Saturday, December 17. A celebration of the rebirth of the Sun.

All circles will held at the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1111 Cordell Street, Denton, TX 76201.

Gathering begins at 7:00 PM and the rituals begin promptly at 7:30 PM.

Samhain Circle – Remembering the Year – Saturday, October 27, 2018

Bring your sorrows and your joys, and we will share in tears and laughter.

Please join the Denton Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans for our Samhain circle as we look back at the past year.

Gathering will start at 7:00pm, with the ritual starting at 7:30pm.

Child care will be available for young children; older children welcome to participate.

Please bring a food or drink item to share.

If you have any questions, please contact us on Facebook or email us at

October 2018_Flyer

“Walking through Khan el Khalili, a UU Pagan’s perspective on living in Egypt.” – December 3rd, 2017

Our own Cyn is giving a presentation at Pathways UU Church in Hurst, TX, this Sunday, December 3rd. Time of service is 10-11am.

Her presentation is titled:

“Walking through Khan el Khalili, a UU Pagan’s perspective on living in Egypt.”

Traveling as a single woman, and a member of a minority religion to a part of the world where the language, religion, and culture is so very different from one’s own is an adventure. Islam remains a very poorly understood religion in most of America, and the North African culture is very different from our own.

Please join us as we recall learning to live within the day to day world of city and village life in a modern Muslim country. Rach day brings a change in viewpoint, and a new way of looking at old habits. When can blending in be freedom and when can standing out be an advantage? Walk through modern Egypt and the remains of the ancient Pharonic one, through with the eyes of a modern western, Unitarian Universalist woman.

Pathways UU is located at 481 W. Harwood Road, Hurst, TX 76054.

We hope to see you there!

CUUPS Officers for 2017-18

At today’s business meeting, a record turnout of Denton CUUPS members elected the following people to serve as officers for the 1-year term beginning November 1.

Coordinating Officer: Hannah Nutt

Events Coordinator: Brea Henson

Membership Officer: Linda Masten, Emily Pearson, and Adam Henson (co-officers)

Treasurer: Cynthia Talbot

Education Officer: William Nutt and Morgan Milburn (co-officers)

Communication & Technology Officer: Rhys O’Brien and Gabrielle Milburn (co-officers)

Recording Officer: Gwenyth Robicheaux

Please congratulate our incoming officers and give them your support as they lead our CUUPS group in the coming year.

Also, please give your thanks to those officers who are stepping down this year: Bonnie Davidson, Erin Kane, Russell Griffin, and Debbie Griffin. As I announced in April, I am also stepping down at the conclusion of this term on October 31.

John Beckett
Coordinating Officer

2017-18 Denton CUUPS Officer Campaign

This year’s CUUPS officers have been working hard to make Denton CUUPS run more like a democratic organization and less like an informal group. While we still have over three months left in this chapter year, it’s not too early to begin thinking about officers for 2017-18 – especially considering we will have a new Coordinating Officer for the first time in twelve years.

It is not proper for the current officers to function as a nominating committee. Any active member is eligible to run for any office (one qualification: the Coordinating Officer must be a member of DUUF) and anyone who wants to serve should be able to run for an office without facing an “approved” candidate. At the same time, this year’s officers have an obligation to insure all offices are filled.

To help us reach the goal of free and fair elections, to encourage new people to run for office, and to insure we have someone to fill each office, we have come up with this campaign process.

The Election is October 15

The officer election will be held at our Fall Social Gathering, Sunday, October 15 at 2:00 PM at Erin and Tezra’s house. The election process is governed by Article X of our by-laws and nothing in this campaign process changes that. Nominations may be made from the floor and proxy voting is permitted for those who cannot attend.

This process deals with how members can announce their intent to run for an office. Then, if no one has declared for a particular office, we know we need to find someone to fill it.

Announce Your Campaign

A campaign signup sheet will be posted on the CUUPS bulletin board at DUUF prior to our Lughnasadh Circle. A signup thread will be started on our ProBoard site (if you aren’t on ProBoards yet, please contact Tezra).

If you want to run for an office, simply write your name beside that office on the signup sheet and reply to the signup thread (if you do only one, I’ll add your name to the other). That’s all there is to it. At the Fall Social Gathering, be prepared to speak for a minute or two about why you want to serve in that capacity and your ideas about the position.

The Details

  1. I hope this statement is unnecessary, but just to be clear: by signing up you are declaring your intent to run for the office. There is no “claiming” of offices.
  2. If two or more people sign up for the same office, we will have a contested election – the person with the most votes wins. Per the by-laws, if there are three or more candidates and no one gets 51% of the votes, the top two candidates will have a run-off.
  3. Two people may decide to share an office, as Erin and William (Education Officer) and Hannah and Tezra (Communication and Technology Officer) have done this year. However, unless they both freely agree to share the office, we will have a contested election.
  4. The by-laws prohibit anyone from holding more than one office at a time. Therefore, you cannot campaign for more than one slot. However, if you declare for an office and lose the election, you may be nominated (or self-nominate, if you’ve been a member for more than one year) for another office that has not yet been filled. You are free to make your plans known ahead of time.

Undeclared Offices

If no one has announced their intention to run for a particular office prior the next Officers’ Meeting on September 17 (at the Fall Camping Trip), the current officers will begin recruiting someone to fill it.

The Order of Election

Our by-laws do not specify the order in which we vote on offices. Since we have to have an order, as presiding officer I am declaring this order – which happens to be the order they were established in the by-laws. Since I am making this decision only on parliamentary authority, if anyone objects it may be changed by a vote of the membership.

  1. Coordinating Officer
  2. Events Coordinator
  3. Membership Officer
  4. Treasurer
  5. Education Officer
  6. Communication and Technology Officer
  7. Recording Officer.

Description of the Offices

Here are the descriptions of our offices from our by-laws, along with the people who currently hold them.

  1. Coordinating Officer (John) – Primary facilitator of officer and member meetings. Responsible for ensuring that all members serving as Officers are adequately fulfilling the responsibilities of their positions; serving as the primary liaison between the Officers and Members/friends of the chapter, between the chapter and CUUPS, between the chapter and the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Board of Trustees, and between the chapter and the community at large; acting as general spokesperson for the chapter. This officer must be a voting member of the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
  2. Events Coordinator (Russell) – Coordinates with event leaders of the eight public rituals held each year regarding progress and supplies needed. Work with the Coordinating Officer to ensure that organizers/leaders are in place for all planned events, that meeting/event locations are reserved. Also responsible for maintaining chapter supplies.
  3. Membership Officer (Linda) – Primarily responsible for recruiting of new members and collecting dues. This officer will maintain the membership roster, be responsible for actively raising awareness of Denton CUUPS with other groups and the community at large, and will be responsible for follow-up contact with visitors.
  4. Education Officer (Erin and William) – Assists facilitators of CUUPS courses, workshops, and small groups. Coordinates scheduling for those groups, courses, and related activities. Monitors area Pagan announcements in order to present opportunities for education and involvement to the membership, and develops and maintains educational resources for use as needed.  Consults with the Membership Officer for new member orientations as needed.
  5. Treasurer (Debbie) – Responsible for handling chapter finances and maintaining financial records, collection of dues and other monies owed, and payment and/or reimbursement of any authorized expenses. Maintains chapter finances and provides printed financial reports to the membership at all scheduled Board meetings. One additional member must have access to chapter accounts at all times.
  6. Communication & Technology Officer (Hannah and Tezra) – Primarily responsible for managing the chapter calendar, publicity of chapter events, e-mailing calendar events, updating the chapter website and maintaining chapter technology.
  7. Recording Officer (Bonnie) – Responsible for preparation of meeting agendas, recording and distribution of minutes, maintenance of meeting notes and discussion topics, archival records and ritual scripts. This officer shall work with the members of the Board to ensure that all appropriate members are notified of meeting minutes, discussion topics and decisions made.

How can you best serve our community?

Denton CUUPS is the home for Paganism in Denton and the surrounding area. We provide a necessary and sacred service to the local community, and in doing so, we serve our Gods and our various Pagan traditions. All of us benefit from CUUPS’ presence and its success.

Serving as an officer is work, but it’s not a particularly large amount of work. I’ve been a CUUPS officer for 14 years – what I’ve learned in that time has been tremendous. This is necessary work, but it is also educational work, enlightening work, and transformative work.

I encourage everyone to think about where you can best serve, and to launch your campaign in the coming weeks.

Summer Solstice – Saturday June 17th, 2017

Hathor and Horus; from the website of the Temple of Tutankhamen.

In our time of fallowness, as Ra has reached his fullness in the sky, come join us for the Beautiful Reunion of Heru-Wer (Horus) and Hethert (Hathor). We will celebrate the joy of life with Hethert and victories of every type with Heru-Wer as they come together for their yearly nuptials. To celebrate their wedding feast, please bring a dish or beverage to share with your fellow celebrants and the deities.

Gathering is at 7:00 PM, with the ritual starting at 7:30 PM. Children who can respectfully participate are welcome to attend the ritual. Childcare will be provided for younger children during the ritual. Everyone is welcome to join us for the feast afterwards.

Donations to defray costs are welcome but not required.

For more information, message us on Facebook, or consult the flyer attached to this email.

We will have parts for individuals who are interested in playing sistra. To find out more, look for the man in the golden tunic when you arrive.

Hope to see all of you there!

Summer Solstice 2017 Flyer

Beltane – The Cernunnos Ritual

Beltane – The Cernunnos Ritual
Saturday, May 6
Gathering begins at 7:00 PM
Ritual begins promptly at 7:30 PM

Come join us for our celebration of Beltane, the Celtic fire festival which in ancient times marked the beginning of Summer. We will begin our circle with a traditional Maypole Dance.

Our main working will be a ritual to Cernunnos, the Lord of the Animals and the Lord of the Hunt, the God of the Forest and of Green Growing Things.

It is no surprise that in our era of environmental challenges he is calling to many who share his love for Nature. This ritual will feature a procession, drumming, and dancing.  We will make offerings to Cernunnos and ask for his inspiration and blessing on our work to honor and protect the Earth and all her creatures.

Our circle will be outdoors unless it is raining – please dress for the weather. Children who can participate maturely and respectfully are welcome to join in. We will have childcare available for younger children.

Please bring an item of food or drink to share after the ceremony. Donations help defray costs are appreciated but are not required.

If you have any questions, please contact John Beckett at or 972-948-9211.

at the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
1111 Cordell Street
Denton, TX 76201

Yule Circle – December 17

Please join the Denton Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans as we celebrate Yule. Gathering begins at 7:00 PM and the ritual begins promptly at 7:30. On this longest night, we turn our minds to the waning of the dark and the growing strength of the light. We will light the Yule log, tell the ancient story of Balder and the Mistletoe, and celebrate with a toast of Wassail.

Children 10 and older who can participate respectfully are welcome to attend with a parent/guardian. Childcare will be provided.

Please bring a dish to share for the potluck after the ceremony. Donations of a dollar or three to defray costs are welcome but not required

Come experience the mystery of the Winter Solstice!

Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
1111 Cordell Street
Denton, TX 76201

DIRECTIONS: From I-35, exit US-380 (University Drive) eastbound. Go approximately 1.8 miles east on University, then turn right (south) onto Fulton Street. Go three blocks, turn right (west) on Cordell. DUUF is on the left, on the southwest corner of Fulton and Cordell – our illuminated sign is on the corner.


New CUUPS Officers and By-laws Changes

Denton CUUPS held its Fall Social Gathering and business meeting on October 15. Our membership approved two by-laws changes, our slate of officers for 2016-17, and our 2017 circle calendar.

Bylaws Changes.  A modification to Article IV: Chapter Officers was approved that revises the duties of the Events Coordinator and creates two new positions, a Recording Officer and a Communications & Technology Officer.

A modification to Article XII: Adoption and Amendment was adopted that explicitly allows for electronic voting.

The following officers were elected:

  • Coordinating Officer: John Beckett
  • Events Coordinator: Russell Griffin
  • Membership Officer: Linda Masten
  • Education Officer: Wren Kelley and William Nutt
  • Treasurer: Debbie Griffin
  • Recording Officer: Bonnie Davidson
  • Communication & Technology Officer: Tezra O’Brien and Hannah Nutt

The 2017 calendar will be posted shortly.

Please congratulate the new officers on their election, and support them in their duties in the coming year.